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Korean shaved ice (빙수) with green tea ice cream, green tea flakes, Korean red bean, cornflakes.

Black Yellowlike

Korean shaved ice (빙수) with chocolate ice cream and syrup, oreo flakes, banana, crushed nuts.

Super Yellow

Korean shaved ice (빙수) with vanilla ice cream, lychee, longan, pineapple, cornflakes, mango syrup.

The Baddest

Korean shaved ice (빙수) with chocolate ice cream, chocolate flakes, choco rice puff, chocolate syrup.

Choco Treasure

Chocolate ice cream, chocolate rice puff, chocolate syrup on bed of toasted marshmallows.

White Noise

Vanilla ice cream, unicorn crunch, chocolate syrup on bed of toasted marshmallows.

Green Hour

Green tea ice cream and patjook on bed of toasted marshmallows.

Boat to Seoul (BTS)like

Chocolate, vanilla and green tea ice cream, chocolate syrup with banana and patjook.